Welcome to Sahyadri School
“The Earth is beautiful, and the more you are aware of it, the more beautiful it is.” – J Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti on Education
The intent of the schools is to equip the child with the most excellent technological proficiency so that the student may function with clarity and efficiency in the modern world. A far more important purpose than this is to create the right climate and environment so that the child may develop fully as a complete human being. This means giving the child the opportunity to flower in goodness so that he or she is rightly related to people, things and ideas, to the whole of life. To live is to be related.
About the School
Born out of Krishnamurti’s oft-expressed wish to his friend, the late Shri Achyut Patwardhan whose tireless efforts and generous assistance from several well-wishers, the Sahyadri School commenced in 1995. Located on Tiwai Hill and nestled in the valley of the Bhima River, the school is surrounded by gently sloping green forest hills and valleys, 770m above sea level. Here, the children learn amidst nature from books and trees and birds; they work with their hands and their abundant imagination. From academics to art, theatre, multiple sports and other activities, they explore their potential, as they do the nature around them

About 70 Kms from Pune City, the Sahyadri School pays homage to the Sahyadri Mountain Range where it resides. Nestled in the valley of the Bhima River, 25 km as the bird flies from Bhima Shankar Wildlife Sanctuary, the river’s source, in a remote hamlet of Khed, the school overlooks the picturesque huge reservoir of Chas-Kaman dam. This slice of the Deccan rain shadow with its origin in pre-historic volcanic activity is also part of a forest reserve that is home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna. Bio- Diversity enhancement initiated by the school has rendered the hilltop verdant with various themes like Devrai grove, Ficus grove, Sughandi van, Bamboo grove, Nakshatra van and Fruit Orchards etc. along with the indigenous deciduous vegetation.
( A collaborative initiative of schools of Krishnamurti Foundation India )

Admission forms for all classes are available from October 1st. Interviews for admissions are held in January and February.
The last date for receipt of applications is 15 December, 2020.

Get Involved
Everyone and anyone who is believes that ‘to learn without fear, you have to be truly free’ is a welcome participant at Sahyadri. Whether it is to volunteer or teach, hold special engagements or contribute financially to our various endeavours, we welcome your participation.

At Sahyadri, as in all KFI Schools, there is a special focus on community engagement, where the school builds a relationship with its surroundings – from the natural bounty that encompasses it to the community that cohabits the space in the many villages and hamlets that surround it.