Get Involved
Sahyadri School is financially autonomous. Funds generated from its approximately 255 fee-paying students cover all running expenses. However, your support towards our various endeavors, goes a long way. These include: Improvement in learning environment, up-gradation of Art Block, enhancement of Tinker Shed and Science Labs, Scholarship Fund for needy students, Staff Welfare Fund, and Rural Outreach Programs. Krishnamurti Foundation India is registered under the Societies Registration Act XX1 of 1860. All donations to Sahyadri Education Centre are eligible for 50% exemption under section 80G of Income tax Act.
Improvement in learning environment
The School has in the recent past taken on the task of working towards future constructions to enhance the learning environment in School. In order to approach the task in a holistic manner, fine tuning of the master plan of the campus is under progress. This is being attempted with a deeper understanding of local architecture, using local materials and artisans, native design features suitable for the existing climate and understanding factors of hydrogeology and biodiversity on the campus. Organisations such as Hunnarshala Foundation (Bhuj), Kalpavriksha (Pune) and Advance Center for Water Resources Development and Management (Pune) have been tasked with this study to assist the School.
Scholarship Fund
School has a scholarship fund which currently subsidizes the cost of education for about 20 students. While periodic increases in school fees are inevitable if we are to keep up with inflation and infrastructure requirements, the School is acutely aware of issues related to exclusivity that such fee increases may bring. In keeping with our desire to maintain diversity of students in the school, we wish to increase the number of students on scholarship to about 30, and we wish particularly to reach out to parents who are involved in the development sector and located in remote areas of the country where educational facilities are at best rudimentary. This would not only help deserving children but also contribute to the long term health of the school. (It would also be a service to the country at large.) We welcome contributions of any amount to this fund. Contributions could be either directly to the scholarship fund or in the nature of sponsorship or partial sponsorship of an individual child.
Rural Outreach Program
Rural Outreach Program is now in its fifth year. School has initiated programs related to conservation of traditional seeds of rice and millets, promotion of organic farming, capacity building of school supported Bhimashankar Farmer Producer Company to supply school dining hall grains requirement etc. The program needs support towards capacity building, conduct of workshops for farming community and in other areas such as health, hygiene and education.
Art Block, Tinker Shed and Science Labs
Open learning spaces currently available to students such as the Art Block, the Tinker Shed and the School laboratories are by and large hugely popular in the student body. The school proposes now to embark on further improving these spaces through augmentation of infrastructure, introduction of hands-on-learning in the areas of robotics, electronics, environment science (bio-diversity and hydro-geology), energy, water and waste management.
Staff Welfare Fund
We are in our 25th year. Many of the teaching and non-teaching staff presently serving are in their fifties and have served the better part of their lives working in the school, involved in upkeep and enhancement of educational spaces within the school. A welfare fund has been started to meet their health and retirement needs and the education requirements of their children. Given the rising costs of living with limited salary and pension benefits, any contribution would immensely benefit the ancillary staff in their later years.