B.Tech, MS, MBA
Coordinator, Rural Outreach and School Farms
Deepa shares a deep love for trees, plants and all the components of natural world. Deepa is fascinated by the cyclic and inherently regenerative nature of the natural environment and constantly seeks to find applications of those in daily living and industrial applications.
Trained as a Mechanical Engineer (COE, Pune) in the early nineties, Deepa specialized in Energy and Environmental studies (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK) along with an MBA in International Business (ICFAI, India) and has practiced extensively in all disciplines.
From the initial days itself, Deepa has been fortunate to work in challenging and yet (organizationally) nurturing work environments that include the engineering shop-floor, product engineering and testing, energy auditing of commercial and industrial infrastructure, design and consulting for the environment and has held university level academic positions.
On campus, Deepa oversees the school outreach function that primarily seeks to engage with neighbouring communities with educational, social and environmentally friendly initiatives. Traditional Seeds Conservation is one of the key programmes being currently pursued with efforts in the direction of a repository of desi seeds (seed bank) with necessary documentation of their nutritional and medicinal aspects as well as integration in the school menu and communication to school visitors.
Favourite quote: “The world does not belong to us, we belong to it. Always have, always will.” – Daniel Quinn